Thursday, May 28, 2009

An Orgy of Envy

Envy has been the fuel behind nearly all collectivist (that includes socialism for the non-thinkers out there) movements in a society for as long as there have been societies. It is often shrouded with the term "fairness" to disguise its bitter flavor, but it is there none the less. The concept of "redistribution of wealth" or "spreading the wealth" is directly connected to envy. Those that are unsuccessful feel they are finally getting back at those that are. And why do they feel they need to get back at them? Envy. They hate those that are successful simply for being successful Just look at the term "Capitalist Pig". It is often used as a label on the immeasurably wealthy. It implies that they are evil, or at the very least bad, people simply for being wealthy. The same applies to the term "Robber Barrons" because, apparently, there's no way to become wealthy without stealing.In a genuinely capitalist and free society, these would just be mutterings of the envious peoples with no weight behind it. Unfortunately due to "power peddling" and a lack of foresight by politicians, this muttering has taken on a much larger embodiment and has the power of force behind it. The dumb masses (or is that dumbasses) have been clamoring for politicians to do something about these evil wealthy people and corporations and the politicians have been more than happy to use this envy to fuel their rise in power. With the power to levy taxes, the power peddlers have altered the tax code so that the more successful you are, the more of a percentage is taken from you in taxes. That alone is enough to appease some of the envious out there. A person recently told me "They [the rich] should pay more. They can afford it. Besides, they need to know what it's like to be poor anyway. Those bastards have no idea what I go through." So apparently, taxing someone at a higher percentage is enough to appease that person. For now.....
It gets even worse when "redistribution" is added into the envy stew. Not only should the wealthy pay a higher percentage, but it should then be given to those that are not wealthy. Why? "Because we deserve it. Who are they to have all that money, fuck them! I need money too!" I recently heard. It is this precise sentiment that has fueled collectivism in America. The pandering and appeasing of the masses has created a climate where the government now has the ability to play a misshapen form of Robin Hood. Taking from the wealthy and "redistributing" to the poor. (it should be noted that Mr. Hood stole from the sheriff, who took his money from taxes, rather than free trade...but that is a topic for another day) By using the power of the government, envy now has force behind it.The one right afforded to a (proper) government is the initiation of the use of force. And as such, all decrees, laws, and policies from a government are backed by that force. The pandering of the masses and the appeasing political figures lends itself to an economic system that punishes those that are successful and rewards those that are not. So long as a group, or an individual can be singled out as being "too wealthy" there will be someone "more deserving" to give the money to. And so long as those two groups can be identified, there will be someone to act as the middle man and peddle their power.

With the current state of politics in America, there is no shortage of groups demanding punishment of the wealthy And there appears to be no shortage of power peddlers willing to corrupt The Constitution in order to maintain their position. It can be seen nearly daily with government officials demanding a private business do business a particular way, or by openly saying how the government should take over a private industry in order to "protect" the people. All of this leads to an orgy of envy where anyone can lay claim to anyone else they perceive to be wealthier than they are, and feel entitled to it because everyone else is doing it.
For concrete examples, look no further than the banks. They have been deionized on a daily basis by political figures of all flavors. They are using the fuel of envy to maintain and even grow their positions of power.
This is all being done in the name of making things fair. It will continue to be done until such time as everyone thinks everything is fair. But isn't it odd that no matter how successful a person is, there always seems to be someone more successful And ass a word of advice to the collectivists out there, just as there is always someone more successful, there is always someone less successful, chomping at the bit to get ahold of what you have.
The end result of this is not an egalitarian society where everyone pursues their interests for the betterment of mankind, but rather a feeding frenzy with all peoples being the predator and the prey at the same time. Where no productive effort can be expended for fear of retaliation by someone else. Where "need" becomes a currency, and "ability" becomes burden.

So, everyone, get your toga! Grab some wine! Come to the orgy!
Because in the end, it's all the same.
Everyone gets fucked.


  1. Wow, I don't know that I really have much to add to this, so I'll just say...Great write-up!

  2. The end result of this is not an egalitarian society where everyone pursues their interests for the betterment of mankind, but rather a feeding frenzy with all peoples being the predator and the prey at the same time. Where no productive effort can be expended for fear of retaliation by someone else. Where "need" becomes a currency, and "ability" becomes burden.

    It is an exaggeration, although only a very slight one, to state that you just described the region of Canada where I live. Let it be a lesson to those who have not travelled so far down the road of socialism.

    One thing I remember (out of about two or three basic memorable items) from a course I took in Public Administration during my final year in university was that unlike the private sector, the government possesses a great coercive power. Ask anyone who has ever been charged with a crime he did not commit. Compare that to the experience of being sued by a private interest where the defense succeeds. The second situation is bad enough - time, legal expenses (some of which might or might not be recoverable from the plaintiff). The first situation is a living hell - even if one is acquitted, there is no apology forthcoming from the government, nor is there any chance of recovery of economic loss incurred by one's defense.

    So when you state that the government has the power of force behind it, you are right on. No private interest possesses the same force.

    Friedrich A. Hayek touched on this phenomenon in numerous books he wrote: left to private interests, industry has certain power. When private industry is nationalized, it acquires two types of additional power: the power of the monopolist, and the coercive power of the state.

  3. "Where "need" becomes a currency, and "ability" becomes burden."

    That's a great summation to a great rant.
